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Go THERE for the un-pieced version! ;)
[I’m sure this isn’t necessary, but I want to be clear anyway about the fact that I’m not declaring that Shenko ship is better than others. I respect all Shepard’s LIs!
This post is about my love (and of the other Shenko’s fans) for Kaidan Alenko, only about that. So please don’t use that as an excuse to reply with hate! Only LOVE!]
Character + character design appreciation post: Bolin.
(with Asami up next)
(I hope the anon that asked for some shirtless Bolin got what they wanted here; if not, how about this, sketched just for you)
(took me a while to realize why this looks so different from the Mako post; lol also more sketches of things we’ll most likely never see in show)
When I’m older and I live in my own loft, I’ll hang this on over the fireplace.
Commission for LiraelVincentio no2
Secund commission for , her OCs June (blonde) and Hope. Thank you for commissioned me again!
First commission for her
Picture belongs to now, do not use without permission!!